Doorways to Insight

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Knowing liberation through the ordinary.

You know everything changes, so why do you suffer when possessions are lost, relationships end, or friends die? Insight meditation is oriented toward seeing three characteristics—the impermanence, unsatisfactoriness, and emptiness of experience. In some ways these are ordinary and obvious insights. Every day we experience changing sensory impressions; we cannot control what happens; and we have never succeeded in attaining lasting happiness from transient phenomena. Yet, these simple insights have the power to uproot our deepest misperceptions. When we see them clearly, we do not cling; when not-clinging, the mind is freed. This series will explore the nature of insight, wisdom, and liberating knowledge with an emphasis on what are called the three characteristics, or three doorways to nibbana.

  • Jan 7 – Impermanence with Shaila Catherine
  • Jan 14 – Unsatisfactoriness with Sharon Allen
  • Jan 21 – Not-self with Chris Clifford
  • Jan 28 – Deepening Practice with Drew Oman

Read teacher biographies on our Teacher Page.

Everyone is welcome. Chairs are provided. Bring a cushion and mat if you prefer to sit on the wood floor.

IMSB relies upon the generosity of participants to support our teachers and cover organizational expenses. Dana is a word in the ancient Pali language that describes donations, offerings and generosity. Two bowls will be available at an event to practice dana for the teacher and IMSB; we encourage you to give joyfully and generously, according to your resources and means. IMSB is a 501(c) (3) organization. All donations are tax deductible as permitted by law.

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