Registration closes today for Beyond Distraction, an in-depth online course

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Beyond Distraction: Strategies to Free The Mind

REGISTER: Now — Sep 27, 2020
COURSE: Sep 30 — Dec 30, 2020

Mental restlessness is an insidious and pervasive hindrance that most practitioners struggle to overcome. How many times have you let go of a thought, only to find it morph into a similar story a few minutes later?

Many kinds of thoughts can distract us from being mindful and disrupt our concentration: obsessive planning, worrying, lustful thoughts, judging, memories, and internal commentaries, to name a few. This course will explore a sequence of practical strategies for dealing with obstructive mental patterns derived from two discourses taught by the Buddha (MN 19 and 20).

Each learning module in the course is enriched with lectures, guided meditations, exercises, related sutta readings, discussion forums, and audio conferences with the teacher. A variety of reflective exercises will help you integrate these ancient strategies into daily life situations.

For more information and registration details go to

Co-sponsored by Bodhi Courses and Insight Meditation South Bay

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