Power of Patience with Dawn Scott

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Power of Patience

with Dawn Scott

Patience, one of the Ten Paramis (Perfections) has the potential to imbue our daily lives with meaning. It also is the steadying force that propels us along the path of liberation.  In this evening will explore  the power of patience to free us from reactivity so that we can respond from our deepest values.

For photo and biographies of IMSB’s guest speakers visit our Teacher Page.

IMSB relies upon the generosity of participants to support our teachers and cover organizational expenses. Dana is a word in the ancient Pali language that describes donations, offerings and generosity. Two bowls will be available at an event to practice dana for the teacher and IMSB; we encourage you to give joyfully and generously, according to your resources and means. IMSB is a 501(c) (3) organization. All donations are tax deductible as permitted by law.

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