Monthly Day of Meditation led by Sharon Allen

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Breathing Space – Freedom from the personal
A day of meditation with Sharon Allen.

The mind can become so entangled with personal concerns that we get lost in the delusion of an independent self and forget about the possibility of freedom. The sitting and walking meditation practices for this retreat day will emphasize releasing our conditioning around identifying with our personal experience.  Taking time and space from our usual entanglements is essential for a balanced mind and body.

As we bring mindfulness to our experience, we can draw on the Satipatthana Sutta as a framework for our practice of abiding “…independent, not clinging to anything in the world.”

Participants are encouraged to attend the entire day, if at all possible.

IMSB offers a day of meditation one Saturday each month. These monthly day long programs offer a consistent and easy opportunity for meditators to maintain a steady commitment to meditation, deepen their practice, explore various dhamma themes, and cultivate relationships with the community—and still be home in time for dinner!

The day long programs are usually structured with alternating sitting and walking meditations, augmented by meditation instructions, reflections, and teachings. Shaila Catherine leads most of the day longs, complimented by periodic guest teachers or community events. Sharon Allen will be leading today’s program.

There will be a pot-luck community meal around 12:30; please bring a food dish to share.

Everyone is welcome. There is no registration. Folding chairs are provided. Bring a mat and cushion if you prefer to sit on the floor. Beginner’s to meditation are encouraged to come on time since both sitting and walking meditation instruction are usually offered in the mornings.

These monthly events may take place at any of the churches where we meet—in Los Altos, Saratoga, or Mountain View. Be sure to double check the website event listing to determine the correct location.

IMSB relies upon the generosity of participants to support our teachers and cover organizational expenses. Dana is a word in the ancient Pali language that describes donations, offerings and generosity. Two bowls will be available at an event to practice dana for the teacher and IMSB; we encourage you to give joyfully and generously, according to your resources and means. IMSB is a 501(c) (3) organization. All donations are tax deductible as permitted by law.

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