Daylong: Loving Kindness – with Bhante U Jagara and Shaila Catherine

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with Bhante U Jagara and Shaila Catherine

There will be a pot-luck community meal offering at 11:15; please bring a food dish to share.

Loving kindness (metta) describes a feeling of warmth and acceptance towards oneself and others. Cultivating loving kindness creates a profoundly generous state of mind in which the self disappears. As divisions between self and others dissolve, the experience of non-conflict can put an end to grudges and patterns of anger, resentment, fear, and suffering. As both a basis for happiness and a platform for insight, loving kindness can be understood as a means and also as a goal on the meditative path.

The teachings in this day-long program will include a detailed study and analysis of the metta sutta in the context of meditation. There will be sitting and walking meditation, guided meditations, and instructions for developing loving kindness. It is appropriate for new and experienced meditators.

Everyone is welcome. Chairs are provided. Bring a cushion and mat if you prefer to sit on the floor. The floor is not carpeted.

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