Introduction to Mindfulness – A Tuesday Morning Class

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Please note: Due to low enrollment, the course has been modified to run for only 4 weeks (March 22 has been cancelled). In place of the fifth class session, the teachers will be available for a private follow up session with each participant. Although online registration has closed, drop in participation or late registration can be arranged by contacting beginnerAddress_at_imsb.

THIS MINDFULNESS COURSE is a 5 week introduction to the meditative development of mindfulness. Supported by mindfulness, we can refine our ability to calm the mind, focus attention, and bring clear awareness to all aspects of experience. We will cultivate mindfulness of breath, sensations, emotions, thoughts, and actions. This course includes exercises that support the establishment of a daily meditation practice, and highlight balanced awareness in work and home life. The course is appropriate for beginners as well as practitioners who wish to refine meditation techniques to improve and strengthen daily practice.

February 23 — Why Meditate?: The power of mindfulness with breathing
March 1 — Cultivating Presence: Mindfulness of the body
March 8 — Emotional Presence: Mindfulness of mental states
March 15 — Settling the Restless Mind: Mindfulness of thoughts
March 22 — Awakened Living: Integrating mindfulness into daily life

This course will be co-lead by Shaila Catherine and Sharon Allen. Read their biographies on our Teachers Page.

Registration is required and includes two steps.

  1. First, please fill out the brief registration survey (same link as above).
  2. Second, please pay your course fees.

Course fees are based on a sliding scale ($300 to $90) and cover both organizational expenses and teacher support for this course. Please consider offering generously within your means. By choosing to pay at the higher end of the scale your generosity will support the teachers and their ongoing efforts to share dhamma. The lower end of the scale is intended for those with very limited means. If additional scholarship assistance is needed, please contact us at

Course fees can be paid either online or by mailing a check to IMSB in an amount between $300 and $90. Any amount above the minimum of $90 will be considered tax deductible.

  • To pay online, you may use our general Donation Link and designate the payment as “Intro Course Fees”.
  • To pay by check, send check made payable to Insight Meditation South Bay, PO Box 490, Menlo Park, CA 94026. Write “Intro Course Fees” on the memo line.
  • To pay by cash, see either our treasurer, Shaila, or Sharon at an IMSB event.

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