Sangha Practice

Mindful Listening

We concluded our Mindful Speech series with a discussion of Mindful Listening.  Reflective suggestions for this week included: 1. During conversations this week, notice if you tend to listen or speak more? When you are listening, are you fully present? Notice if you are planning your response, interrupting, or searching for the next opportunity to speak? [...]

2012-12-15T20:25:30-08:00December 15th, 2012|Daily Life Practice, Sangha Practice|

Criticism and Boasting

In this week’s exploration of mindful speech at the Tuesday night meditation group, we read the description of a “superior person” (Anguttara Nikaya IV:73). The superior person had four attributes regarding speech. A Superior Person…. 1. does not reveal the faults of others. But if pressed to answer, he criticizes others hesitantly, incompletely, and with omissions. [...]

2017-02-16T09:34:51-08:00December 6th, 2012|Daily Life Practice, Sangha Practice|

Local paper writes article about our meditation group: Reflections on speech

A local newspaper, The Mountain View Voice, wrote an article about my work and Insight Meditation South Bay. Check it out at: I don’t have much experience being interviewed (this may be the first time that I have been interviewed for a newspaper such as this), so the process has been an opportunity for [...]

2017-02-16T09:34:51-08:00September 8th, 2012|Daily Life Practice, Sangha Practice|

Returning from a Four Month Retreat

I recently returned from a four month retreat that was lead by the Venerables Pa-Auk Sayadaw and U Jagara in Massachusettes. It was a experiential approach to the Buddha's teachings that emphasized deep concentration (especially jhana) practice; the careful discernment and analysis of mental factors, cognitive processes, material elements, and causal relationships; and culminated in [...]

2017-02-16T09:34:56-08:00December 18th, 2011|Meditation, Sangha Practice, Uncategorized|

Happy Wesak

Today, on the full moon day in May, we are celebrating the Buddhist holiday known as Wesak. It commemorates the Buddha's birth, death, and enlightenment.  Today we reflect upon the Buddha, the Dhamma and the Sangha—the three jewels. I love this holiday.  It is a time to remember the Buddha, celebrate his life and accomplishments, [...]

2011-05-17T21:29:04-07:00May 17th, 2011|Sangha Practice, The Buddha|

Sangha Service

At our community meeting last week, I was touched as volunteers spoke about their experience of getting involved in IMSB. I reflect on the energy and engagement of our members  often when I walk into an event–every chair and table was moved as a gift of service by a member; every flyer and arrangement was offered by volunteers; [...]

2017-02-16T09:34:58-08:00April 17th, 2011|Sangha Practice|
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