Monthly Archives: November 2018

IMSB members enjoy giving to a variety of charities

In a program called Joy of Giving, a number of IMSB members practiced mindful giving by donating to a charity of our choice. We thought hard about charities that touched our hearts, donated our own and/or IMSB funds, discussed our choices with other givers, and participated in two discussions exploring the role that generosity can [...]

2019-02-03T09:07:09-08:00November 30th, 2018|News|

Loving Kindness

May all beings everywhere, known and unknown, near and far, be happy, peaceful and at ease. Loving-Kindness (metta) was the theme for the first talk in the lecture series on Brahma Vihara at our weekly Tuesday meditation sitting in Mountain View. Shaila Catherine talked about what loving-kindness is and what it is not. Loving-kindness is [...]

2018-11-18T12:24:33-08:00November 18th, 2018|News|

Building Community

While the nation watched election results come in on Election Night, IMSB held a community building event for members to get to know each other. It was a small and intimate gathering as Shaila asked us to break into three groups based on why we practice:  1) for awakening, 2) for inner peace, and 3) [...]

2018-11-18T12:07:54-08:00November 18th, 2018|News|
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